" Wayne & Wayne "
" Answer Their EMail "

" ...You've Got Mail !!!.... "

Dear Wayne and Wayne:

Now that Bruce's tour is over, what do you guys think Bruce fans should
do to cure their post Bruce depression? My friends listen to boots all day!
What do you guys do?

Depressed in NYC

From: Wayne&Wayne@darlington.com
Subject: Post Bruce Depression

Dear Depressed:
Speaking for myself, I've become a huge Marc Anthony fan. He's so cool
and you can fit ALL his boots on one CD. Wayne uses a different approach.
He's taken to playing all his Bruce CD's backwards, and on several of the
cuts he can distinctly hear the E Street Band chanting....Max is dead...
Max is dead...I dont think there will be a quick recovery from PBD.
But it will come in time. Though we will not be seeing any new setlists on
the newsgroups, there will be plenty of "What would you write on Bruce's
Birthday Cake?" and "Is Pattie Really a Vacation From Masturbation" posts
to keep our interest levels high!

Rock On!!


Dear Wayne&Wayne:

I am an incurable Bruceaholic!! I own 145 of his boots and have been
to 98 of his concerts in the past four years. I also have "Thunder Road"
wallpaper in my kitchen. I sometime ask hubby to wear a Bruce mask and
sing "A Hard Man is Good to Find" when we go to bed at night. Do you
think I'm weird??

Bruce fan in Ohio...

From: Wayne&Wayne@darlington.com
Subject: A Hard Man is Good to Find

Dear Ohio Fan:
NO!! Weird is relative! Right now, Wayne is naked, his body smeared with
shrimp butter, his testicles are dangling through a hole he has cut in the
top of his fish tank...You play boots and go to shows..Wayne enjoys Sunday
afternoons with his guppies..We all have our own way of coping..
thanks for writing!

Rock On!!
Wayne and Wayne


Dear Wayne and Wayne:

I have info from a good source that Bruce will make a surprise guest
appearance and play at the Republican National Convention in Philly on
August 1st. Can you confirm this for me?

Mary, South Philly

From: Wayne&Wayne@darlington.com
Subject: RNC

Dear South Philly Mary:
You are mistaken. It will be Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes.

Rock On!!
Wayne & Wayne


Dear Wayne&Wayne:

I have attended several shows this year. I noticed that when Bruce
and the band do the song, "Ties that Bind" they are rather inconsistent in
their lyrics. In the March version he sings "ties that bi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi
yi yi yi yi yi yind"!! However, from April on, it has been "ties that bi yi yi
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yind"!! In addition, this only occurs at the end
of the second verse, and only in cities with two vowels in their name!
I have two questions....
#1..Had you noticed this?
#2..Do you feel it has any significance?
#3..It's deep...eh?

Wild Billy from Fargo

Subject: Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yind!!

Dear Billy:
#3..It is deep.
Wayne is rushin' to his stereo as we speak, to check the acoustic version!
He thinks it indicates Max's death date, backwards, in Chinese!

Wayne & Wayne


Dear Wayne & Wayne:

On September 24th, at First Union in Philly, I signed a large birthday banner
for Bruce. I wrote him a little note, with my phone number, but he hasn't
called me! Do you think he ever will??

Wendy, from Bahhsten

From: Wayne&Wayne@darlington.com
Subject: Birthday Greetings From Bahhsten

Dear Wendy:
Your futile attempt at contact is not uncommon.
Though it is not impossible that he could call, I'd advise you to go on with
your life and let the chips fall where they may. Patti is aging quickly, and
the strain of touring is taking its toll. Nothing is impossible! I recall a similar
situation with Omar Vizquel, several years ago in Cleveland. I'll have to find
out how that turned out! But hay!! Ya never know until ya try!!
Thanks for writing!



Dear Wayne&Wayne:

Whatever happened to those really cool twins, Darleen and Darlotta, the ones
who ditched you guys in Harlem?? Do you keep in touch?

Gunner, from Houston

From: Wayne&Wayne@darlington.com
Subject: Darleen and Darlotta

Dear Gunner:
Ahhhhh, not if we can help it...the last we heard of them, they were
under treatment by a project called "BOSS BABES", a privately funded
research project that employs electric shock and aversion therapy to
address addictions to agin' rock stars. We'll keep you up to date on
their progress! Thanks for writing!


To Send Email to Wayne&Wayne.......

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