For those who have asked (and some that didn't!) for further details of my excellent adventure in Pittsburgh w/my Bruce soul mate sister, Coletta here goes. It's quite lengthy, be warned.
Ok......planned an early departure the day before the show to line up and get as low a number in line as possible. The weather gods were arrayed against me, though, and we didn't get to the venue for a place in line till 3:30 pm, the day before the show.
But all is well, we are number 21 and 22, high fives all around, this is REALLY looking like it's going to happen.
Our hotel is a short jaunt, 5 minute walk,we check in, come back for the 4pm check in. Not knowing where to find some decent food, we set out on a trip to nowhere, neither of us having the guts to go into the only grocery store we could find, since it looked to be in a pretty rough neighborhood. We really are getting to be a couple of wimps. Then back to the parking garage where we wander aimlessly trying to figure out where we are, hoping that no one will notice that we're driving in circles. That little trek in out of the garage cost us 17 dollars in parking fees, I'm beginning to think Pittsburgh thinks it's freakin' NYC! Back to the hotel, for some of the overpriced, greasy food in the lounge.
There we meet some other fans, Lesley and Sally. I alwaystake a mental note to let my husband know whenever I meet fans who are more over the top than me, and the shows give ample opportunity. Sally and Lesley fit the bill, having been to almost 50 shows! But we have a lot in common, feeling like the inmates in an asylum who decide it's not us that's crazy, it's the rest of the world. Some folks depart for the Joe Grushecky show at the Hard Rock Cafe, but we decide to turn in after the 10pm check in. There Coletta takes away my remote control privileges, since after clicking around a bit to see what's on......I hear the message "you are now being billed for your selection"......fortunately it was something I had wanted to see (an early episode of Sopranos) but I sure didn't think it was worth $8.99! But what the heck, we're on a mini-vacation......what's to worry?
Next day check ins progress withoutincident. We run into Lisa and Dave, a couple we met in NYC, what a nice surprise. They also fit the bill of fans who are more over the top than me, and it's great catching up with old friends, and learning about what's going on in their lives. Lisa is running a marathon in Cali the following week, and I've since learned that she ran it in 3:30, (with a potty break!) and I'm still in awe of that. It's old home week as we meet up with friends through the day as the line gets longer.
At 4pm itstime for the final line up, and we take our places. The first hour is fine, the second hour it got *very* cold, especially standing in one place. Some bozo w/a Pittsburgh Steelers jacket tries some line-jumping, and is quickly booed down by none other than myself. I gain some notoriety with the people in the line, and "don't mess with the sisters" is the buzzword
The two guys behind us, numbers 23 and 24, have never been to a Bruce show before, and we know they are in for a treat! Being in the line is a happening in itself, the people are great, and we've made some new friends.
Finally we're ushered in, 50 at a time. My feetliterally feel like lead sinkers from standing in the cold, as we begin the Frankenstein-like stepping gait into the venue. Anxious to get our bracelet and claim our space, the less than swift venue employee has a *really* hard time getting the bracelet on my wrist. I'm about to do something drastic, as folks in the other line are streaming in with no problem, this person putting on my wrist band is obviously having trouble w/his fine motor skills. At last we're in. Only spot left is in front of Clarence, which was our second choice if there was no space in front of Bruce.
I was in rapt awe for the entire show. I just can't believe Bruce and the band areliterally within an arms reach. It's really too big for me to take it all in. I'm about as excited as a bride on her wedding day! (well maybe not THAT excited, but you get the idea!) Bruce pays quite a bit of attention to a young boy, about 8, I'd say, standing right next to me, so I get *very* close to him (yes I did reach out and touch him). This same boy gives Bruce a Santa hat so Bruce places it near the drum kit. Bruce actually wears this hat during Santa Claus, but it's too big so it strategically dips below one eye (sorry Carly) then he returns the hat to the boy and also gives him his harmonica. You should have seen that child's face, a fan for life, no doubt. His mom was in tears. I was so thrilled for them.
During Code of Silence, Bruce invites Joe Grushecky and his teenage son onstage, and seeing Joe w/Bruce demonstrates quite vividly Bruce's capacity and stage presence, what a contrast. Bruce demonstrates again his heart of love for children and the younger generation, which is beautiful to witness.
I really had to fight back tears during No Surrender, as being there, in that spot, with my sister, was truly the culmination of a dream for me. It brought all kinds of emotions to the surface.
The only disappointment was that I thought being that close, I'd get to high five, or strum the guitar, but that didn't happen. So I still have something to look forward to next time I ever happen to get that close, but there's no complaints. The setlist was outstanding, Bruce and the boys (and girls) were all in great form. There were no big surprises in the setlist, so from that perspective, I wasn't totally blown away, but that's only because I happen to have been at many of the stellar performances on the Reunion tour which meant I've been privileged to hear a lot of the rarities first hand already.
No post-Bruce depression yet, but I still have one more show next Monday in Columbus. Then I'll be watching close for the dates on the second leg.
We stayed overnight in Pittsburgh and woke to a massive winter storm which closed roads, tunnels and schools. By 11am the roads are fine and we head back to NEOhio.
Thanks for reading!
here's the setlist:
The Rising
Lonesome DayNo Surrender
Empty Sky
You're Missing
Waiting on a Sunny Day
Out in the Street
Worlds Apart
She's the One
Mary's Place
Countin on a Miracle
Into the Fire
Dancin In the Dark
(with Joe Grushecky)
Glory Days
Born to Run
Second Encore:
My City of Ruin
Born in The USA
Land of Hope in Dreams
Thunder Road
Detroit, Michigan (Auburn Hills)~~8-15-2002~~
The Palace
Heading up to the Motor for round two, talked Coletta into coming up, also, so all is right with the world. We met a very nice person named Brian (hi Brian!) the night before in Cleveland, and he has an extra GA ticket, and offers it to Coletta. They head over to the GA line around 6:30 and score places just two deep behind the first barrier, which are really great view. Our seats were behind the stage, center, 4th row, but we upgraded ourselves to the first row ;-) since they were empty. What a vantage point! Dan, Susan and I are pretty much speechless at the amazing view, but after about 4 songs we got bumped back our 4th row, which was still a fantastic vantage point. Thoroughly enjoyed the show, still feels fresh and more fun than ever. I can see Coletta from where were sitting and now and then we wave and give a thumbs up. Set list is the same, but Bruce throws out a little Dancing in the Streets in honor of the Motor City. A good time was had by all. Tomorrow tickets go on sale for Pittsburg, gotta get me some!The Rising
Lonesome Day
Prove It All Night
The Fuse
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Empty Sky
You're MissingWaitin on a Sunny Day
Promised Land
World's Apart
Bobby Jean
Mary's Place
Countin on a Miracle
American Skin - 41 Shots
Into The Fire
Thunder Road
Glory Days
Born to Run
Second Encore:
My City of Ruins
Born in the USA
Land of Hope and Dreams
Cleveland, Ohio~~8-14-2002~~Gund Arena
Cleveland is the 4th show on the tour, and the band is amazingly tight. The only glitch was a dropped mic, which Bruce promptly picked up and jokingly said "testing testing" and proceeded w/business as usual. The first show of the tour is an exciting time, it's all fresh and new. In an unbelievable coincidence, my email friend Gennel, who I had not met before, was also in town for the show. At the pre-show we finally meet up for the first time, and we're inquiring about each other's seat. Gennel tells me she's behind the stage, hey, that's cool I am too! No kidding, what section? 118,,,,,,,,,,,,amazing hey me too! Come to discover, Gennel's seat is the very seat next to out of 20,000 tickets sold, what would that make the odds of her seat ending up right next to mine. I got mine online, she got hers by phone from NJ. Go figure? Some things are just meant to be, and that was one of those things.The Rising
Lonesome Day
Prove It All Night
The Fuse
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Empty Sky
You're Missing
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Promised Land
World's Apart
Bobby Jean
Mary's Place
Countin on a Miracle
American Skin - 41 Shots
Into The Fire
Thunder Road
Glory Days
Born to Run
Second Encore:
My City of Ruins
Born in the USA
Land of Hope and Dreams
Cleveland~~Rock n Roll Hall of Fame~~4-1-2001
Unfortunately, it's been quite a while since my last Bruce show at MSG. He hasn't come near Cleveland, and sadly, I haven't come near him. With all the excitement over his new CD release, and the upcoming HBO special, I decided on a trip to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Though they permit no photography inside the hall, I did manage to pose for a picture with my husband Greg to commemorate our journey. Lots of Bruce content inside! He even assists in narrating one of the films. He was inducted into the hall in 1999, where he rightly is enshrined alongside rock n roll's greats! It's a great spot to visit !! Until Bruce comes back!!
New York City~~7-1-2000~~Madison Square Gardern
" The Last Show "
"Click For My Pics From Madison Square Garden!!
We arrived in NYC on Friday, the 30th, looking forward to the final show. On Saturady, leaving our newfound friend, Ray, to meet other new found friends, Dave and Lisa for dinner before the big event. We are really beginning to worry about our buddy Ray from California, since he has no ticket, and all we hear on the way over are bad ticket stories, and no one is selling. But if the luck and karma of this weekend hold out, it should be no problem.
Dinner is great, we eat hurriedly between breaths and talk nonstop of the tour, then head to MSG. (Dave and Lisa have been to 35 shows on the tour, and have lots of stories to tell.) Finally find Ray, viola! Yes, he has a ticket, huge sigh of relief! We are hamming it up, mugging for silly photo-ops underneath that giant Exxon sign...wait, no, its the giant MSG sign this time.
Outside MSG I see a man go down to the ground and his wife appears panic-stricken! I rush over to see how I can help, and checking his pulse, discover to my chagrin, that he has no pulse! I ready myself to perform CPR, but he spontaneously begins to respond, and develops a very slow pulse, is white as a sheet, and when he finally sits up, attributes the episode to a bad ticket deal....well, I have never heard that one before, he does have a ticket and won't seek medical attention this night. Sir, if you are out there, I hope you have your ticker checked! Got a kick out the NYPD who offered their sincere thanks for my assistance with the fallen Bruce fan, though I didn't get a chance to do anything!
Inside the arena, it's electric, and its another chance to commune with the great people that make up the Bruce fan-base. I have put in my prediction that tonight we will hear Lost in the Flood. My "in the know" native New York friend, Benny, (bronxapostle, you know who you are)! shows me how to see the show from a better vantage point, thanks Benny! Bruce, as always, never disappoints, the show is heart-stopper, but when he broke into Lost in the Flood, well I thought I was gonna get hurt, it was full body contact Bruce all the way! During the 10th ave Freezeout intros, Bruce, on bended knee, extols the virtues of his lovely wife Patti, and during her intro, refers to her as his "vacation from masturbation" (yes I THINK I heard that right), while bumping and grinding behind her, I'm getting a little TOO much voyeuristic pleasure from this! Knowing the tour is ending kept me feeling somber, but we rocked the night away, until the lights came up. The garden ignites with a spontaneous chant for the E-Street Band, though the light crew never does manage to get the spotlight on them, even after Bruce said "Get some f*cking lights on them." Blood Brothers brought me to tears, and appropriate and fitting end to the reunion tour.
Over to the Hotel Penn for the post-Bruce show. Another new found Bruce friend, Jason, literally gives Coletta the shirt, not off his back, but the one he was holding in his hand. Jason, you will long be remembered in the annals of my Bruce history, as the great looking guy with an equally pleasing personality who generously bestowed my Bruce soul mate with the coolest Bruce shirt in the world, thank you so much!
What a wild ride, memories and friendships to last a lifetime, though the tour has sadly ended. I have to take a moment to thank my wonderful husband, Greg, who, through his selfless love and devotion to me, has made it possible for me to participate in this tour, thank you Greg, I love you very much!New York City 7-1-2000
Madison Square Garden, The Last Show!!
Code Of Silence My Love Will Not Let You..
Prove It All Night
Two Hearts
Atlantic City
Mansion On The Hill
The River
American Skin
Promised Land
Murder Incorporated Badlands
Out In The Street
Tenth Avenue FreezeOut
Born In The USA
Light Of Day
Ramrod Bobby Jean
Born to Run
Further On Up the Road
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land of Hopes and Dreams
Blood Brothers
Cincinnati, Ohio~~4-30-2000~~Firstar Center
We headed out on the 30th, for an overniter in Cincy....A great drive....singin' along with Bruce and THE BEST SHOW of the tour!! AND WE WERE THERE!!! Definitely the HIGHLIGHT of the Season!! The Best Trip we've had!! Can MSG be any better?
The Ties That Bind Promised Land
Two Hearts
Darkness on the Edge of ..
Darlington County
Mansion on the Hill
The River
Murder Incorporated Badlands
Out in the Street
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
Working on the Highway
Dancing in the Dark
The Ghost of Tom Joad
Born in the USA
Light of Day Stand On It
Bobby Jean
Born to Run
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land of Hope and Dreams
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania~~4-25-2000~~Mellon Center
Seven months after the First Union Philly Concert, me and Sis were heading back to Pennsylvania. This time to Pittsburgh and our fifth show of the tour. The trip included "cinnabuns" on the PA turnpike, which, besides Bruce....was the highlight!! Though it wasn't the best show of the tour, It provided a warmup for what was to come....
My Love Will Not Let..... Prove It All Night
Two Hearts
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Promised Land
Mansion on the Hill
The River
Murder Incorporated
BadlandsOut in the Street
Tenth Avenue Freezeout
She's The One
Ghost of Tom Joad
Light of Day
Idiot's Delight w/Joe Gruschecky
Ramrod Bobby Jean
Born To Run
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land Of Hopes and Dreams
Columbus, Ohio~~11-17-1999
I got an early morning callfrom my sis, imploring me to attend just one more show! Scored tickets online for Columbus, and we headed out straight from work. (Would my suitcase be on the front porch when I got home??) Our seats were in the very first row, behind the stage; right behind Nils and Clarence! A memorable night, our third show in four days, with a bird's eye view of Bruce and the Band! Setlist is as follows:
Ties that Bind Prove It All Night
Two Hearts
Darkness on the Edge of Town
The Promised Land
My Hometown
The River
Murder Incorporated
Badlands Out in the Street
Tenth Ave. Freezeout
Downbound Train
She's the One
Ghost of Tom Joad
Born in the USA
Back Streets
Light of Day
Bobby Jean Born to Run
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land of Hope and Dreams
Cleveland~~Gund Arena~~11-15-1999
"Click For My Pics From Gund Arena!!
Another show, shared with good friends, and Bruce put on a show that rivaled Philly for intensity and passion. It was a night to remember!!
Don't Look Back Prove It All Night
Two Hearts
Darlington County
Independence Day
Point Blank
Murder Incorporated
Badlands Out in the Street
Tenth Ave. Freezeout
You can Look
Because the Night
No Surrender
Back Streets
Light of Day
Growin Up
Hungry Heart Born to Run
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land of Hope and Dreams
Blinded by the Light
Cleveland~~Gund Arena~~11-14-1999
An incredible day for Springsteen fans from Cleveland!!! My sister and I headed East to Gund Arena,a beautiful red sunset glowing behind us, and a check in the win column for our rookie Cleveland Browns, who defeated the Steelers for the first win of their inaugral season. Jupiter aligned with Mars, and we had our fourteenth row floor tickets waiting for us. No disappointments tonight, but the show didn't top the 9/25 Philly concert. That was yet to come!! Set list as follows:
Ties That Bind Prove It All Night
Two Hearts
Darkness on the Edge of Town
The Promised Land
My Home Town
The River
Murder Incorporated
Badlands Out in the Street
Tenth Ave. Freezeout
Working on the Highway
The Ghost of Tom Joad
Born in the USA
Light of Day
Spirit in the Night
Bobby Jean Born to Run
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land of Hope and Dreams
Philadelphia~~First Union Center~~9-25-1999 "Click For Pics from First Union"
I've been a Bruce Springsteen fan for years now, but became more devoted in 1997 when I finally purchased his "Nebraska" CD. I had been to a Springsteen concert in Cleveland during the "Born in the USA" tour. My sister and I then decided toattend his Philly concert in September of 99. This was the show that started the tour for me, and re-ignited my passion for Bruce Springsteen's music. My twin sister and I had a seven hour sing-along across the Pennsylvania Turnpike, travelling from Cleveland to Philly. We had rock an roll music blastin' out the "T-tops". (Well, actually no T-tops, but we did have a really sharp, brand new Ford Explorer). It was smooth sailing, and we "drove four hundred miles without seein' a cop". We found our seats, in the nose-bleed section and stood enthralled for the next three hours, enjoying our reunion with the E Stree Band, and in awe of Bruce, who was in top form at age 50. It was a fabulous show, which exceeded all my expectations!! The Philly set list is below.
Incident on 57th Street Ties That Bind
Prove It All Night
Two Hearts
Atlantic City
Point Blank
Murder Incorporated Badlands
Out in the Street
Tenth Ave. Freezeout
Sherry Darling
Streets of Philadelphia
NYC Serenade
Light of Day
Jungle Land Born to Run
Thunder Road
If I Should Fall Behind
Land of Hope and Dreams
Raise Your Hand
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