Gilded Age Links

Gilded Age



Health &

Philadelphia Police Mounted Officer, Tacony Area of Philadelphia, circa 1905
"Philadelphia Police Mounted Officer, Tacony Area, circa 1905"

Labor &





American Cities

American Memory
Library of Congress collections and exhibits including thousands of photos and primary documents.

America at Work, America at Leisure
Library of Congress American Memory Site. Contains over 150 motion pictures from 1894 to 1915.

America at Work, School and Leisure
Library of Congress American Memory special presentation site.

Going North: Tales of the Great Migration
Aural History Productions' "Talking History" site containing a brilliant analysis of the movement of African-Americans from the South to the City of Philadelphia during the first half of the 20th century.

How the Other Half Lives
Studies Among the Tenements Of New York (1890)

A hypertext edition of a work by Jacob A. Riis, originally published in 1890.

The Lower East-Side Tenement Museum
A very weird site belonging to the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. Several tenements have been preserved and presented in their original condition. The location can also be rented for parties and wedding receptions.

On the Lower East Side
Observations on Life in Lower Manhattan at the Turn of the Century. A collection of articles and documentary sources on Lower Manhattan in the years 1880-1920.


Assorted Gilded Age

Cartoons of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
An Ohio State University site containing editorial cartoons relating to gilded age events.

The Great Chicago Fire Site
A cooperative effort of the Chicago Historical Society and Northwestern University.

The Centennial Exhibition: Philadelphia 1876
A Philadelphia Free Library site containing information, photos, history and a virtual tour of the 1876 Centennial Exhibition.

World's Columbian Exposition
Interactive guide to the World's Columbian Exhibition held in Chicago in 1893. A celebration of Columbus' 1492 voyage to America.

More Columbian Exposition
More on the Exposition.


General History

History Matters
Designed for high school and college teachers of US history courses. The site serves as a gateway to web resources and offers useful material for teaching US history.


Health & Welfare

Influenza 1918
PBS site on the influenza epidemic of 1918.

The Jungle-Upton Sinclair
Hypertext edition of Upton Sinclair's gilded age classic, "The Jungle" which spurred a revolution in food processing and preservation in American plants.



Americans in the Raw
Edward Lowry's 1902 essay on American immigrants. Illustrated with the photos of Arthur Hewitt.

The Changing Character of Immigration
Kate Holladay Claghorn's 1901 essay on the changing character of American immigration.

Ellis Island Online
Official Ellis Island Site, with history, photos and searchable archives.

Ellis Island: Through America's Gateway
The International Channel's site containing an overview of the history of immigration through Ellis Island.

Immigration History Research Center
University of Minnesota's Immigrant History Research Center site.

The Irish Potato Famine
A History Place site related to the Irish potato famine.

Irish History on the Web
History Place's site devoted to the potato famine in Ireland, an event which spurred Irish immigration to America during the 1850's.



Advertising in America
Duke University's Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising and Marketing History site. It addresses the emergence of advertising in America from the years 1850 to 1920.

The Campaign to End Child Labor's site relating to the history of child labor in America.

Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum
Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum site from Dufermenline, Scotland. Contains history, photos and other information on Carnegie.

Child Labor in America, 1908-1912
The photographs of Lewis W. Hine.

Coal Mining in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Ohio State University site containing links to the history of coal mining in the gilded and progressive ages.

The Dirty Children
Child Labor in the coal mines. A web presentation by Phillip Taft. U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration.

The Samuel Gompers Papers
University of Maryland Department of History site. A documentary history of the American working class, containing primary and secondary source material and photos.

The Haymarket Affair
The Dramas of Haymarket. A site developed by Northwestern University and the Chicago Historical Society containing an in-depth analysis of the 1886 Haymarket Affair in Chicago.

The History of the Standard Oil Company
Hypertext edition of Ida M. Tarbell's 1904 history of Standard Oil Company.

Inside an American Factory
Library of Congress American Memory site, "Inside an American Factory." Films of the Westinghouse Works 1904.

The Little Miners
U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration. Digital Collection, Child Labor, A Pictorial Walk Through the 20th Century.

The Pullman Strike
University of Kansas site with a short history of the Pullman Strike of 1894.

The Strike at Homestead, Pennsylvania
Ohio State University's site containing a short history of the strike at Homestead in 1892.

The Triangle Factory Fire
Cornell University site containing an in-depth analysis of the 1911 fire.

The Working Women's History Project
Sponsored by a network of Chicago history organizations.



Baseball Cards of the Gilded Age
Library of Congress American Memory Site containing 2100 baseball cards dating from 1887 to 1914.

Early Radio History
Articles and extracts about early radio and related technologies, concentrating on the United States in the period from 1897 to 1927.



The Frontier in American History-Frederick Jackson Turner
Hypertext edition of Frederick Jackson Turner's gilded age classic.

Mark Twain in His Times
University of Virginia site with an extensive array of materials on Mark Twain.



Boston Police Strike of 1919's History and Architecture site. A short synopsis of the Boston Police Strike of 1919. The author explains the reasons for the strike and it's impact on the city of Boston and its Police Department.

Cleveland Police Historical Society and Museum
The Cleveland Police Historical Society is a private organization dedicated to the preservation of information and artifacts concerning the history of policing in Cleveland, Ohio. The site contains a small sample of what is available at the museum archives in Cleveland.

Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State Penitentiary is located in Philadelphia, Pa and was opened in 1829. It was the first of over three hundred prisons (worldwide) built in the wagon wheel style. Eastern State was the first prison to utilize hard labor/solitary confinement as punishment for crime. The site has information on its history, tours and preservation projects. It also contains historical and present-day photographs.

London Metropolitan Police History
A history page attached to the official site of the London Metropolitan Police. The LMPD was created by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 and is recognized as the first organized police department.

New York City Police Department Museum
The New York City's Police Museum's site containing exhibits related to department history.

New York City Police History
NYPD site with a short (official) history of the New York City Police Department.

Ohio State Highway Patrol History
A short history of the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

Philadelphia Police Department History
A brief history of the Philadelphia Police Department presented by the Committee of Seventy, an election watchdog agency located in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Park Police Photo Gallery
A privatly maintained photo gallery of Philadelphia's Fairmount Park Police.


Social/Reform Movements

The American Eugenics Movement
Dolan DNA Learning Center's Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775 to 2000
Binghamton University site containing over one thousand primary documents relating to the subject.


West Chester University
History 555
Emergence of Modern America
Dr. Charles Hardy
Spring 2003
Joseph O'Brien
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